Manuela Murgia, the 16-year-old who died in Cagliari in 1995: the case will not be reopened
The request presented by the family was rejected, as they never believed in the theory of suicidePer restare aggiornato entra nel nostro canale Whatsapp
The case of Manuela Murgia , the 16-year-old who in 1995 was found lifeless in the Tuvixeddu canyon, in Cagliari, will not be reopened. A death which at the time had been classified as a suicide, but the family never believed this theory, instead supporting that of murder , and had asked for the case to be reopened in light of new evidence.
Assisting them is the law firm of Bachisio Mele and the lawyer Giulia Lai.
But today the cold shower arrived: the request was rejected. The decision is made by prosecutor Guido Pani.
"We are evaluating the paths to take - said the lawyer Lai -, however we will continue to ask for the reopening of the investigations".
His brother Gioele and his sisters Elisabetta and Anna were saddened and entrusted their outburst to a long post on Facebook. «Not all the weakest are allowed to have justice - writes Manuela Murgia's brother - there are dead and dead. When you're lucky, you find people who dedicate their time to give you justice and stop at nothing. But when you are unlucky then you fall into the wrong hands, into the hands of those who have no interest in bringing monsters to justice." And again: «This is the case of Manuela Murgia who, at just 16 years old, was brutally murdered and left in an eternal limbo of injustice».
«This morning Manuela was murdered for the second time – concludes her brother – those who should have guaranteed her justice for almost twenty-nine years have decided to reject the request for reopening, despite the new evidence provided. Why all this? What do you want to cover? The mistakes of 29 years ago? Or, more terrifyingly, you want to cover for someone. And if so, who do you want to cover? Manu, we will never stop fighting for you, you deserve justice and peace."