Two years ago, the Metropolitan City awarded the contract for the “ Construction of the Burcei-Sinnai-Maracalagonis – SS 125” connecting road , intended to shorten the distances and travel times between the cherry town and the Cagliari hinterland. All this at the end of a design process that began twenty years earlier with the delivery to the Municipality of Burcei of an initial project on the route by the entrepreneur Sergio Zuncheddu .

Last year, work began by widening the road that, from 125, runs through the territory of Maracalagonis. Then nothing, with a project worth almost 40 million euros (financed with resources from the Sardinia Region, largely from the Fund for Development and Cohesion 2014-2020, with its own funds from the Metropolitan City of Cagliari and with resources from the Pnrr), eagerly awaited by the population of Burcei and beyond. Faced with this delay in the "real" start of work, a Citizens' Committee was formed in Burcei to denounce "the discontent and discomfort among the population of Burcei for the delays that continue to lengthen over time" .

"This is," the press release states, "the concern that has led several citizens to create a Movement that supports the municipal administration in the daily effort to speed up the construction of the project." Vittorio Monni, former deputy mayor of Burcei and former provincial councilor and member of the Citizens' Committee, states: "Patience has run out. It's absurd. There is a project, there is money, the work has been contracted out: and yet not a leaf moves, in defiance of the hopes of an entire country ." Entrepreneur Salvatore Malloru adds: "We are counting on this path to be able to bet, to relaunch our economy, to get closer to Cagliari and its surroundings. But time passes. We cannot just dream with the country increasingly condemned to isolation, the primary cause of the depopulation that for decades has bitten like boulders on our future, that of our young people in particular."

To make a situation worse, already very serious, the decision to set the speed limit on the old SS 125 at 30 km/h was added . "Instead of these measures, give us the new road as a point of reference for the Burceresi for work, study, services, health and any need related to their life. We fight so that Burcei has a right that can no longer be denied: a connection with the Cagliari area worthy of a State that wants to be called civilized", add Vittorio Monni and Salvatore Malloru.

"There is a lot of talk about territorial continuity between Sardinia and Italy," the Committee leaders continue, "but there is a great need to also modernize the connections within our island and Burcei. After years of waiting, the country is demanding certain times on the road to the works of a project so important for our future. The Committee says "no" to continuous postponements. We are ready, as a community, to take to the streets and make ourselves heard under the palaces of Cagliari's power to protect our rights . The forces of the country are united in this effort that becomes univocal by uniting young people, the elderly, social and productive categories: there is an entire country that wants rapid answers and does not intend to wait any longer."

"We are not alone," Monni emphasizes . "In addition to the Burceresi, this artery is loudly demanded by the many Burceresi emigrants who live in the Cagliari area and who want to reach the town where they have their roots, family and economic interests more quickly."

"We are ready to undertake forms of protest that will take those who must intervene out of their torpor: the time for excuses and postponements is over, we will no longer tolerate delays", concludes Malloru. The birth of this Committee finds the full support of the population and the municipal administration . "Support for the action of the Municipality", says Mayor Simone Monni. "This battle must be won all together. Burcei only asks to be put in a position to offer a future especially to our young people. Even through a road".

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