Wounded dog abandoned and tied to a tree in the countryside between Lanusei and Loceri
The moan of the animal, a female, attracted the attention of a woman, who freed her and took her to the vetPer restare aggiornato entra nel nostro canale Whatsapp
How cruel can man be? So much so that they abandoned and tied a dog to a tree and destined it to an atrocious and certain death. The latest sad case, yet another, occurred this time in the countryside of Lanusei on the border with Loceri.
The poor dog was saved by a woman, Lise Norland, Danish, who had moved to Ogliastra for years. He was walking his dog when he heard a bark in the middle of the countryside near his farm. He followed the cry of the poor animal arriving at a thick clearing until he found himself in front of a pitiful scene: a female, camel-colored dog, with a deep wound on its head. She was tied with a rope to a tree. "I freed her and immediately took her to the vet to give her initial treatment and check if she had a microchip," says the woman. Of course he didn't.
Lise decided to adopt that sweet little dog. But unfortunately it is not the first time he has found abandoned dogs near his company. And in fact he has already saved three. Evidently she cannot take charge of this plague. "I don't understand how anyone can abandon an animal, it's not a game," he comments bitterly. There should be more awareness campaigns and more controls should be added. Perhaps many people don't know that abandoning animals is not only a crime, but also a crime.