"The Tempio Pausania courthouse is untouchable." Mayor Gianni Addis reiterated this once again, after Undersecretary of Justice Andrea Del Mastro Delle Vedove, responding to a parliamentary question, announced news regarding the organization of judicial offices in Gallura.

At stake is the possible reopening, through a legislative decree, of some judicial offices abolished by the 2012 reform , which led to the closure – not without controversy – of the Olbia and La Maddalena courts.

"We can only share actions aimed at improving the offer of the justice system that allow citizens to have faster and more adequate answers - the mayor declared through a press release. Even in the past, on several occasions, I have acted as spokesperson, together with numerous colleagues from the municipalities of Alta Gallura, of explicit criticism of the reform that came into force with the legislative decree of 2012 that abolished the detached sections of the courts, including those of Olbia and La Maddalena, judging it precisely inappropriate and inadequate to resolve any of the problems of justice in Italy and in Gallura in particular".

Although therefore in favor of a reopening of the Olbia office, which has long been hoped for also by a spontaneous committee created and composed of lawyers from Olbia, Addis firmly supports the need to leave the historic office in Tempio Pausania open.

«The Municipality of Tempio Pausania and the entire Alta Gallura, composed of fourteen Municipalities, do not intend to tolerate in any way that, taking advantage of the announced new revision of the judicial geography, someone once again calls into question the existence and permanence of the Court and the Prosecutor's Office of Gallura in its natural location of Tempio, this for historical, cultural, economic and social reasons that have been repeatedly highlighted and reiterated every time it was necessary to do so», adds Addis.

(Online Union)

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