Solinas investigation, the prosecutor's expert will copy the contents of the seized phones
The operation will be carried out by the computer scientist Andrea CappaiPer restare aggiornato entra nel nostro canale Whatsapp
The IT expert Andrea Cappai will examine, on behalf of the Public Prosecutor's Office, the mobile phones of the governor Christian Solinas , his collaborator Christian Stevelli , the entrepreneur Roberto Zedda and the general manager of the Office of the management authority of the Eni CBD operational program , the Mediterranean basin, Roberto Raimondi , all registered in the register of suspects with the hypothesis of corruption in the context of an open investigation into two strands. One for the sale of a real estate owned by the governor in Capoterra which the prosecution believes sold at 10 times its value in exchange for favors and contracts to the entrepreneur Zedda, the other linked to the appointment of Raimondi in exchange - again according to the investigators – the promise of an honorary degree and university lectures to the president of the regional council.
This morning, the defense lawyers of the four suspects were summoned to the public prosecutor's office Giangiacomo Pilia, after the Review Court rejected the request for annulment of the seizure and the investigating judge that of probative incident, both advanced by the governor's lawyers, Salvatore Casula and Roberto Nati (the latter also from those of Zedda, Guido Manca Bitti and Francesco Marongiu). All defenses have indicated their party consultants who will participate with Cappai in the extraction of the "forensic clone" of the various mobile phones and computer devices.
During the assignment procedure, then, the Public Prosecutor's Office and the defense would discuss the procedures for examining the equipment . On the one hand, the lawyers of the suspects would have asked that the discussion be extended not only to the copying of the entire contents of the telephones, but also to the selection of the material to be delivered later to the judicial police, excluding any material not directly connected to the corruption investigation. A proposal that would not have been accepted by the investigators who, therefore, will now have the opportunity to examine everything that will be extracted from the memoirs.
The clash between the prosecutor's office and the lawyers of the various defenses (with the exception of Raimondi's who immediately agreed to the technical examination) mainly concerns the risk, albeit only theoretical, of a possible exploratory investigation, deemed illegitimate by the Cassation. The Supreme Court, with its decision 30225 of 15 September 2020 (the one linked to the seizure of evidence by the Florence Public Prosecutor's Office in the context of the proceeding on the Matteo Renzi Open Foundation) reaffirmed " the illegitimacy of a seizure having primary exploratory purposes aimed at acquiring the news of a crime in relation to an offense not identified in its factual specificity ». Hence the request by the defenders to select the pertinent files during the hearing to be handed over to the judicial police. A request that was not accepted: once the copy of the entire contents of the telephones has been made, this will be delivered in full to the investigators of the Guardia di Finanza. Then, if during the investigations further hypotheses of crime or other facts on which it will be necessary to investigate should emerge, the prosecutor will proceed with the opening of other files.