Manuela Murgia, the family's lawyers: «Confident that the case will be reopened»
New elements on the death of the 16-year-old in 1995 could lead to a new investigation by the Prosecutor's OfficePer restare aggiornato entra nel nostro canale Whatsapp
«We are absolutely confident about the reopening of Manuela Murgia's case and, as lawyers for the family, we strongly believe in the prosecution and the commitment it is putting into the investigations» .
This was stated by Giulia Lai , the lawyer who, together with her colleague Bachisio Mele, is representing Anna and Elisabetta, the sisters of the 16-year-old found dead on 5 February 1995 in the Tuvixeddu canyon in Cagliari.
«Officially we have not received any communication from the Prosecutor's Office but yesterday during the Rai 2 broadcast ("Detectives", ed.) the former head of the Cagliari Mobile Squad Emanuele Fattori confirmed the reopening of the case - adds Lai - I have presented, together with the lawyer Mele, a request to reopen the investigations enclosing the new consultancy of Dr. Demontis at the end of January».
It is precisely in this consultancy that it is hypothesized that the death of Manuela Murgia was not a suicide and in any case the young woman did not die after falling, «but that the injuries were compatible with a road accident and that, probably, before the accident there was a sexual assault and then the concealment of the body» .
(Online Union)