The alarm grows in Sestu among abandoned dogs and cats found dead, probably poisoned. Anger and indignation among the vast majority of good citizens and volunteers. The body of a cat found in a meadow in the Dedalo neighborhood was not yet cold, when another little body was seen on the other side of the city, in the small park in Piazza Fra Ignazio da Laconi. And the abandonments are countless; the latest case is a litter of eight puppies, found in a dirt road still in the Dedalo area, saved thanks to the Local Police, called by residents. Good little souls, but for some they are less than objects, to be destroyed or thrown away.

" Too many cats have disappeared ," says Stefania Sapienza, one of the most active volunteers, "and unfortunately we have found others dead. Now we are really fed up. I have spoken with other volunteers, we will organize a petition, we will call the television, we will do everything to make ourselves heard. We want the Municipality to help us fight stray cats with sterilizations, adopt measures against violence and the killing of animals, raise awareness among the inhabitants themselves, the laws are there. I myself intend to open a cattery in the future." Silvia Marroccu, who runs the Rifugio Amico Mio in the Sesto countryside and hosts dozens of dogs just waiting to find a family, has also been a volunteer for some time: "we intervene in various areas of Sardinia, we have saved mistreated and abandoned dogs," she explains, "we must remember the importance of sterilizing sheepdogs. If breeders sterilize females they avoid health problems, arguments and nervousness, and having to take care of litters. The sterilized dog does not change character, it remains interested in guarding the flock, without distractions; we can help sterilize, even if the funding from the Region since last year is almost finished. The number of abandonments is always high, all this can be avoided, if only the mentality of some segments of the population were changed".

It often happens in the countryside too. Last year, a litter abandoned near the river sparked a solidarity race. The Municipality is also trying to tackle the problem: the stray animal recovery service remains active and every year it records higher expenses. But a sterilization campaign is also planned, which will be defined in economic details as soon as the budget is approved, even if the timing is not known. The volunteers hope that it will happen as soon as possible

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