Carbonia, crash on 126: fire starts on one of the destroyed cars
Five injured, the flames were put out with the fire extinguisher of a nearby pizzeriaPer restare aggiornato entra nel nostro canale Whatsapp
The accident that occurred around 8pm at the Sirai crossroads, on state road 126 at the northern entrance to Carbonia, resulted in five non-serious injuries.
The impact between a Fiat Multipla driven by a man and a Fiat Seicento was very violent, with the small utility vehicle turning on itself. A lot of fear since after the impact on the Multipla a fire developed which was immediately put out thanks to the use of a fire extinguisher present in the restaurant pizzeria located near the accident.
Solky and Sulcis Emergenze ambulances arrived on site, supported by colleagues from the medicalized Mike 70 that arrived from Iglesias. Medical personnel who took care of the occupants of the vehicles, including two children who were traveling on board the Multipla, who fortunately did not suffer serious consequences.
Also on site were the firefighters from the Via Roma detachment in Carbonia and the Carabinieri from the Radiomobile unit who will have to ascertain the causes of the accident and the relative culpability. Also present were the Carabinieri from the San Giovanni Suergiu station and the officers from the Carbonia police station who dealt with the traffic that suffered significant slowdowns. Also at work were the men from Anas. The passengers were taken to the hospital for checks.