Serial thieves are back to attack commercial businesses in the center of Alghero . The other night it was the turn of the Bienestar bar, on via Alberto La Marmora . Unknown individuals broke the glass of the public establishment and entered inside . It happened around 11 p.m., in the presence of some incredulous passers-by. While those present rushed to call the police, the criminals ran away on foot with the cash register .

A few days ago, the same fate befell the nearby bakery on Via Sant'Agostino . And, again, in a bar on Via Lo Frasso and a tobacconist's on Via Tarragona, the owners were allegedly threatened with a knife, probably by the same person, who was also filmed by the video surveillance cameras.

In the sights of the investigators there would be a young man and a girl living in the same neighborhood where the various thefts and the two robberies occurred . Investigations by the Carabinieri of the Alghero company.

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