Meloni on the Shoah: «Nazi horror with the complicity of the fascist regime»
"The racial laws are infamous", the prime minister's message for Holocaust Remembrance DayGeorgia Meloni (Ansa)
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«Eighty years ago the horror of the Shoah was revealed to the world in all its terrifying force . On January 27, 1945, the gates of Auschwitz were torn down, and with them also fell the wall that prevented a clear view of the abomination of the Nazi plan to persecute and exterminate the Jewish people. Men, women, children and elderly people were torn from their homes, forced to leave everything, taken to extermination camps and killed only because they were Jewish. A plan whose premeditated ferocity makes the Shoah a tragedy without parallel in history . A plan, the one conducted by the Hitlerian regime, which in Italy also found the complicity of the Fascist regime , through the infamy of the racial laws and involvement in the roundups and deportations».
This is the message from Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on the occasion of Holocaust Remembrance Day and the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz .
The Shoah, the Prime Minister continues, was "an abyss which was countered by the courage of many Righteous People, who did not hesitate to disobey and risk their own lives to save those of thousands of innocent people ."
Again: "Today we celebrate Holocaust Remembrance Day, we remember the names and surnames of the victims and we renew the memory of those events, also through the testimony of the survivors and their descendants . Living witnesses of a horrible page of our past, to whom we give our thanks once again. Because, if today we know what happened, we owe it above all to them."
(Online Union)