Woman killed by a dog, perhaps she wanted to defend her
Attacked outside her home by a large mongrelThe victim, Erina Licari (photo from social media)
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A 62-year-old woman, Erina Licari, died last night in Petrosino (Trapani) from serious injuries sustained after being attacked by a dog .
The victim was in front of her home near the municipal stadium, in the area between Via Trapani and Viale Mediterraneo. Perhaps she tried to defend her dog, attacked by the large mongrel . What is certain is that the injuries caused by the dog's bites left her no escape, the rescuers who arrived on the scene could only confirm her death.
The police, coordinated by the Marsala Prosecutor's Office, are investigating the exact dynamics of the facts. First of all, they need to determine whether the dog that attacked the woman was a stray or a dog owned by someone, but left free and without a muzzle .
The problem of stray dogs, or even privately owned dogs that roam freely and without a muzzle, is not new in some towns in western Sicily. Especially in nearby Marsala (of which Petrosino was a hamlet until 1980), where in the past, several attacks have been recorded. One of the latest, last August right on the coastal road that connects Marsala to Petrosino, a pack of eight or nine stray dogs attacked some amateur runners who were training . They didn't manage to bite them, but one of the athletes fell on the edge of the road. The dogs suddenly appeared barking and gnashing their teeth. They were on the piles of posidonia piled up between the road and the sea.
In January 2023, a young lawyer was bitten on the legs on the ex Salinella seafront in Marsala and she needed over thirty stitches. In September 2019, a 43-year-old man was bitten by a stray dog near the warehouses next to the western pier of the port of Marsala. Some time earlier, an elderly woman from Strasatti, a village in Marsala bordering Petrosino, needed over sixty stitches in various parts of her body. The dogs attacked her after making her fall to the ground .
(Online Union)