Farewell to Sofia Sacchitelli, the 23-year-old who has become a symbol of the fight against cancer
The young woman, suffering from a rare heart tumor, had founded a non-profit organization to raise funds for researchPer restare aggiornato entra nel nostro canale Whatsapp
Farewell to Sofia Sacchitelli, the Genoese girl suffering from a rare heart tumor who in recent months had created an association to raise funds for scientific research.
The young woman died at the age of 23: in recent weeks there had been a great mobilization to support this mission and Sofia herself had made a personal commitment to speak about her illness in public, explaining that she was aware that she had no hopes of life but of wanting to help any other sick people.
Sacchitelli was enrolled in the fifth year of Medicine, but a cardiac angiosarcoma, a rare heart tumor that reveals itself in 2-3 cases per million inhabitants, did not give her a chance.
His battle had also been supported by the football clubs of his city, Genoa and Sampdoria, which in recent times have supported the collection of funds for the non-profit organization called "Sofia in the heart".
«We will remember you with a smile on your face and the courage of those who know how to transform difficulties into solidarity and hope for others. Goodbye Sofia - wrote the president of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti in a note -. Today, all of Genoa and Liguria are praying for you and clinging to your family, your friends, those who love you and will carry on the journey you have begun".