"With regard to the document on Green Chemistry submitted for signature by those present, having not been able to view it sufficiently in advance, we would like to point out a series of aspects that require more in-depth examination and that prevent us from signing it ." This is what Achille Carlini, president of Confindustria Centro Nord Sardegna, said after signing the joint document signed by the Region, social partners, the Industrial Consortium of Sassari, the Province and Metropolitan City of Sassari, together with Tips and the trade unions and associations Cgil, Cisl and Uil.

In the letter addressed to the President of the Region, Alessandra Todde and to the Regional Councillor for Industry, Emanuele Cani, it is underlined that «the data included in the document have in fact taken as a starting point a situation that has changed over the years, due to exogenous factors, determining a development of the industrial business different from what was initially hypothesized. The considerations reported during the meeting and represented in the minutes, would have required a different evaluation that took into account this changed scenario.

Therefore, we cannot consider the conclusions reported therein to be shared». At the same time, Confindustria confirms, as already anticipated during the meeting, that it is in its interest to want to be an active part in the growth path of the territory, with particular attention to the “Green Chemistry” Project, with all the social, institutional and entrepreneurial actors.

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