Gavoi, after two years of hiatus, The Island of Stories returns
The event scheduled from 4 to 7 July: we start again after the farewell of Marcello Fois. Edition dedicated to Daniela Zedda, Michela Murgia and Enrico LaiPer restare aggiornato entra nel nostro canale Whatsapp
In the past, some administrators have defined it as a secular miracle, both for the organizational difficulties and for that natural propensity to act as a glue, to unite a community. In Gavoi the whole town has always supported the event: among the alleys and stone houses they love to experience culture, as long as it is of quality. L'Isola delle storie returns from 4 to 7 July, after two years of waiting and the farewell of Marcello Fois as director. The 18th edition of the literary festival this year will be dedicated to three friends of the Gavoese event, who recently passed away: Daniela Zedda, Michela Murgia and Enrico Lai.
Literary immersion
One of the most popular literary festivals, a point of reference for lovers of books and ideas. An oasis of culture immersed in the heart of Sardinia. The L'Isola delle storie association has put together a rich and detailed programme. Four intense days, with multiple ideas. The opening will be on Thursday 4 July, from 6.30pm, with the inauguration of the exhibitions. Then, at 9.30 pm, there will be the "Concert for Europe", the artistic residency project born in 2012 from the collaboration with foreign cultural institutes in Italy, with the patronage of Eunic (European Union National Institutes for Culture). This time too a group of international musicians will give life to an original musical production. A multi-voiced story capable of capturing the synergies created between the artists, the place and the community. For Italy the singer Francesca Corrias will be present, while the special guest will be the Ukrainian pianist Yuriy Seredin.
The meetings
On the morning of Friday 5 July, the meetings from the balcony of "S'antana 'e susu" will return, this year dedicated to the "Female Universes" and conducted by the journalist and writer Elvira Serra. From Friday to Sunday, the following will look out from the balcony: the Marche writer Giulia Baldelli, with her book “The words you left me” (Guanda 2024); Milena Agus, recently in bookstores with “Notte di vento che passa” (Mondadori 2024); Nicoletta Verna, author of the recent “I giorni di glass” (Einaudi 2024). The “Orizzonti” cycle, in the children's space, will host over the three days: Davide Meloni in dialogue with the writer Sarah Savioli; Alberto Emiletti of Internazionale Kids in dialogue with Gianumberto Accinelli, entomologist and writer; Davide Meloni again with the illustrator Andrea Antinori.
“High Noon”
It is an essential piece. Faithful to a proven format, the festival will renew the meetings in Piazza Sant'Antriocu. Current issues, the big questions, will take center stage and enliven the discussions. Between trampled rights, violence against women, but also geopolitics and artificial intelligence. We will start on Friday 5 July with "World Disorder", in which the philosopher Andrea Colamedici (with Maura Gancitano) will dialogue with the journalist Witold Szabłowski , with the geopolitical analyst Manlio Graziano and with the Internazionale journalist, Annalisa Camilli. On Saturday 6th, however, here is the “Dear Giulia” meeting. Maura Gancitano will host Gino Cecchettin, Giulia's father and author of the book that gives the meeting its title (Rizzoli publisher 2024), and Lorenzo Gasparrini, feminist philosopher. Finally, on Sunday 7th, we will talk about "The challenge of artificial intelligence and creativity" with Stefano Bartezzaghi, puzzler and essayist. Therefore, the parish hall in Piazza San Gavino will welcome a new space, in which, among others, Alberto Capitta, writer and director, will speak with Sara Puggioni (Friday 5, 11 am); Elvira Serra with her “L'Altra. Story of a lover” (Solferino 2024), Friday at 6pm; the journalist and writer Francesco Abate with "The 20th century trilogy", a meeting between narratives and images (Sunday 7th at 11am).
The Gavoi festival is ready to welcome. Among writers, journalists and illustrators, like those who will animate Casa Maoddi, for "Terre di mezzo". And in the background the Man museum, with Francesco Panozzo's work “Anthological Interactions. The beehive and the encyclopedia”.