Approximately 9,500 soldiers from 22 nations, of which 11 belong to NATO. Submarines and over 100 ships at sea, including the aircraft carrier Cavour. And planes and drones are flying.

These are the numbers of "Mare Aperto 2024" , the most impressive exercise conducted by the Italian Navy , which will take place from today until 27 May between Sardinia - with its three firing ranges -, Sicily and the Ionian coasts, also touching the coasts of Corsica.

From what we learn, Mare Aperto 2024 will see the presence of units from the Army, Air Force, Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza, as well as naval and air vehicles from the Coast Guard.

Amphibious units will be present at the major maneuvers, both from the San Marco Marine Brigade and from the Spanish and French navies, as well as those from the US Marine Corps. Comsubin raiders and divers were also involved.

During the exercise - explains the Navy on its website - «aspects of support to the civilian population in the event of natural disasters will also be taken care of and, in this context, some training activities will be conducted in the port of Cagliari with the involvement of the local authorities and organisations, of the Italian Civil Protection, of the National Inspectorate of the Volunteer Military Corps of the Italian Red Cross, of the Volunteer Nurses of the Italian Red Cross and of the Italian Order of Malta relief corps".

«The exercise - continues the Navy - will also involve the NATO permanent naval mine countermeasures group deployed in the Mediterranean (Snmcmg2), the naval assets operating within the Euromarfor initiative, the Spanish landing force and the French aircraft carrier group Charles de Gaulle".

«The maritime instrument will be able to test all its capabilities , acting in the multi-domain context and remaining interconnected through the infrastructures of the innovative cyber and space domains», declares Admiral Aurelio De Carolis , Commander in Chief of the Naval Squadron.


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