When she showed up at the emergency room in Treviglio (Bergamo) in pain, the doctors immediately discharged her with the diagnosis of low back pain and no one-day prognosis . But 100 days after that first visit, on March 30, 61-year-old Stella Alaimo Franco died from a tumor that had metastasized to her lungs .

The woman arrived at the hospital with a sore leg but the specialists who took care of her immediately sent her home. Now, in light of what happened, his two children Monica and Andrea have filed a complaint alleging the crime of manslaughter against three doctors at the Treviglio Hospital, as well as against the Asst Bergamo Ovest. “They told us that if the exact diagnosis had been made in time, even just a few weeks before what actually happened, things could have gone differently,” the two said. When the mother was then examined at the Tumor Institute of Milan "they diagnosed her with multi-metastatic fourth stage adeno-lung carcinoma with peritoneal carcinomatosis".

As the family explained, according to the team that visited the woman in Milan, «if that type of tumor had been diagnosed in time it could have been cured and the delay in the incorrect diagnosis by the Treviglio doctors caused serious consequences, from the moment that the disease had advanced irreversibly." The disease then worsened rapidly, leaving the children prey to doubts: " Why wasn't their mother subjected to more in-depth tests from the first moment?" What pushed us to report is the hope that something like this will never happen again. And that no child can lose a parent in this way, as happened to us."


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